What makes a business stand out? Why should you, the antiques collector or home decorator, choose one dealer over the next one? When I think of my favorite business experiences, sometimes it comes down to the people I encounter. But more often, it's that the business shows that they understand me. I feel welcome and connected. I have a sense of belonging. They can do this indirectly through the messaging (Pottery Barn, Starbucks, Breckenridge Ski Resort), or directly by showing a lot of interest in me. If I find them to be interesting as well, all the better. But if they don't first show that they understand me, then it's a non-starter. At Noonmark Antiques, we aim to convey a clear message of credibility and lifestyle that connects with collectors, newcomers, and those creating a wonderful lifestyle. We add to that our exceptional customer care at every point of your relationship with us. Our number one goal: you must be thrilled with your experience with us.